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Stock no: 200101

Filtration area Filtration area: 17.22 Square Feet (ft2) [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: -100000 pascals [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 40 Degrees Farenheit [convert]

Rosenmund 1.6 square meter 316L stainless steel Nutsche Filter Dryer, Model RSD 1.6.



Rosenmund 1.6 square meter 316L stainless steel Nutsche Filter Dryer, Model RSD 1.6.

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Pall, type EMS011G3530/CM802R, 316L SS pressure filter. Unused.

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1.24 m² Le Carbone Graphilor Ployblock heat exchanger Type NC216G

1.24 m² Le Carbone Graphilor Ployblock heat exchanger Type NC216G

1.24 m² Le Carbone Graphilor Ployblock heat exchanger Type NC216G

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  ~0.3 m² small Luwa evaporator system with condenser and QVG glass receivers.

~0.3 m² small Luwa evaporator system with condenser and QVG glass receivers.

  ~0.3 m² small Luwa evaporator system with condenser and QVG glass receivers.

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 Unused re-glassed De Dietrich BE2500 glass lined reactor body only (Base unit).

Unused re-glassed De Dietrich BE2500 glass lined reactor body only (Base unit).

  Unused re-glassed De Dietrich BE2500 glass lined reactor body only (Base unit).

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