Stock no: 200154
Flow rate: 13.42 Cubic Feet/Hour (ft3/hr) [convert]
Discharge Head: 1860000 pascals [convert]
Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]
Dosapro Milton Roy, Type MB-140-L-40-H-18-6/SI-9-VV3-2, single head piston pump (dosing pump). Unused.
Dosapro Milton Roy, Type MB-140-L-40-H-18-6/SI-9-VV3-2, single head piston pump (dosing.. more
Heinkel HF600 inverting bag centrifuge with hydraulic drive
Heinkel HF600 inverting bag centrifuge with hydraulic drive
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Heinkel HF600 inverting bag centrifuge with hydraulic drive
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Used horizntal stainless steel shel and tube heat exchanger with approximately.. more