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Stock no: 200157

Diameter Diameter: 5.91 Inches [convert]

Power Power: 1.5 kW [convert]

Corneloup SA, 6" (150mm) dia S/Steel rotary lock valve.  Driven by 1.5 KW, motor, Unused.



Corneloup SA, 6" (150mm) dia S/Steel rotary lock valve.  Driven by 1.5 KW, motor,.. more

1sq.m Barriquand Hastalloy welded plate heat exchanger

1sq.m Barriquand Hastalloy welded plate heat exchanger

1sq.m Barriquand Hastalloy welded plate heat exchanger

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1180 litre agitated stainless tank

1180 litre agitated stainless tank

1180 litre vertical stainless tank with steam jacket and agitator on legs.

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Up to 75 tonne per day Nitric Acid Concentration Plant

Up to 75 tonne per day Nitric Acid Concentration Plant

Up to 75 tonne per day Nitrice Acid Concemtration Plant by Schott Engineering GmbH.

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Used 4.5 sq.m Comber Nutsche pressure filter dryer

Used 4.5 sq.m Comber Nutsche pressure filter dryer

 Used 4.5 sq.m Comber Nutsche pressure filter dryer

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