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Stock no: 200161

Volume Volume: 30 litres [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 10.4 bar [convert]

Pall, type EWS12G3537, 30 litre 316L SS pressure filter. Unused.



Pall, type EWS12G3537, 30 litre 316L SS pressure filter. Unused.

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Pall 316L SS pressure filter. Unused.

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8.1 sq.m Ralph Coidan (Le Carbonne) Carbon Block Heat Exchanger.

8.1 sq.m Ralph Coidan (Le Carbonne) Carbon Block Heat Exchanger.

8.1 sq.m Ralph Coidan (Le Carbonne) Hykarb Graphite Block Heat Exchanger.

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Pfaudler Balfour AH300 glass lined reactor

Pfaudler Balfour AH300 glass lined reactor

1360 litre Pfaudler Balfour AH300 glass lined reactor

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2310 litre DeDietrich glassed steel reactor

2310 litre DeDietrich glassed steel reactor

2310 litre DeDietrich glassed steel reactor

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