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Stock no: 200168

Vessel size Vessel size: 2.8 litres [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 12.0 bar [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 140 Degrees Celsius [convert]

Pall, type EMS011G3530/CM802R, 2.8 litre 316LSS pressure filter. Unused.

Bollfilter automatic Type 6.18

Bollfilter automatic Type 6.18

Boll & Kirch, Bollfilter automatic Type 6.18,  83 litre automatic self cleaning filter in.. more



Pall, type EMS011G3530/CM802R, 2.8 litre 316LSS pressure filter. Unused.

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Comil Type 194-S cone mill

Comil Type 194-S cone mill

Quadro Comil Type 194-S cone mill in 316L stainless steel.

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Used Rosenmund 4 m² fitration area 316L stainless steel pressure nutsche filter dryer

Used Rosenmund 4 m² fitration area 316L stainless steel pressure nutsche filter dryer

Used Rosenmund 4 m² fitration area 316L stainless steel pressure nutsche filter dryer.. more

SSP Size 200 ND, 800 gph, stainless steel lobe pump

SSP Size 200 ND, 800 gph, stainless steel lobe pump

SSP Size 200 ND, 800 gph, stainless steel lobe pump 

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