Stock no: 200184
Volume: 22.88 gallons [convert]
Pressure Rating: 1000000 pascals [convert]
Temperature: 310 Degrees Farenheit [convert]
Unused 104 ltr 316L S/Steel pressure filter, mfd Pall, type ERS154G3526, serial # SR-0098, rated 10 bar @ 140 deg C (max), 4" inlet
Unused 104 ltr 316L S/Steel pressure filter, mfd Pall, type ERS154G3526, serial # SR-0098,.. more
William Boulton Gyratory Separator
Used William Boulton 48 " (1220mm) diameter 2 deck stainless steel Vibro Energy Gyratory.. more
Used Pfaudler RA72 glassed steel reactor
Used Pfaudler RA72 glass lined reactor complete with agitator, drive and baffles.
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