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Stock no: 200186

Volume Volume: 31.5 litres [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 10.0 bar [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 80 Degrees Celsius [convert]

Unused 31.5 ltr 316L S/Steel pressure filter, mfd Pall, type EAS052G3542/CM808R, rated 10 bar @ 80 deg C (max),



Unused 31.5 ltr 316L S/Steel pressure filter, mfd Pall, type EAS052G3542/CM808R, rated 10.. more



YTRON-QUADRO COMIL 197 AS CONE MILL, overdriven size reduction mill.

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Fryma Vacuum Mixing and Dispersing Unit

Fryma Vacuum Mixing and Dispersing Unit

Fryma Type VME1300 stainless steel vacuum processing unit. For pastes, liquids,.. more

~500 litre Glassed steel reactor

~500 litre Glassed steel reactor

~500 litre Glassed steel reactor

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SSP Size 200 ND, 800 gph, stainless steel lobe pump

SSP Size 200 ND, 800 gph, stainless steel lobe pump

SSP Size 200 ND, 800 gph, stainless steel lobe pump 

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