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110 tonne per day Biodiesel Plant

Stock no: 200256

Capacity Capacity: 110 tonnes [convert]

Working Volume Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]

Working Volume Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]

A complete biodiesel refinery consisting of 5 skid mounted refinery units capable of producing 110 tonnes per day of biodiesel to satisfy quality standard EN14214 . There are 4 units of 20 tonne per day and 1 off 30 tonne per day. 


Dosapro Milton Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy, Type MB-140-L-40-H-18,6/SI-9-VV3-Z, single head piston pump (dosing.. more



Corneloup SA, 6" (150mm) dia S/Steel rotary lock valve. Driven by 1.5 KW, motor,.. more

110 tonne per day Biodiesel Plant

110 tonne per day Biodiesel Plant

A complete biodiesel refinery consisting of 5 skid mounted refinery units capable of.. more

Sulzer APP55-100 Centrifugal Pump

Sulzer APP55-100 Centrifugal Pump

Sulzer APP55-100 Centrifugal Pump.

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Refurbished Broadbent Type 46AM stainless steel basket centrifuge.

Refurbished Broadbent Type 46AM stainless steel basket centrifuge.

 Refurbished Broadbent Type 46AM stainless steel basket centrifuge.

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