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Cream mixing vessel

Stock no: 300258

Working Volume Working Volume: 2500 litres [convert]

Working Volume Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]

Working Volume Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]

Approx 2500 litre 316 stainless steel cream or ointment mixing vessel with scraped wall agitator and bottom entry high shear mixer.

Hosokawa Alpine

Hosokawa Alpine

Alpine UPZ 500 stainless steel universal mill. serial #75327-1, belt driven 37kW, 2950.. more

Cream mixing vessel

Cream mixing vessel

Approx 2500 litre 316 stainless steel cream or ointment mixing vessel with scraped.. more

Used KSB Model CPKN-CHS 050-160   Centrifugal pump

Used KSB Model CPKN-CHS 050-160 Centrifugal pump

Used KSB Model CPKN-CHS 050-160  Stainless steel centrifugal pump with 15 kW motor.

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Sterling SIHI high vacuum skid wit a dry running pump

Sterling SIHI high vacuum skid wit a dry running pump

Sterling SIHI high vacuum skid wit a dry running pump

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Stainless steel heat exchanger. ~300mm Ø x 1800 mm long. U tube

Stainless steel heat exchanger. ~300mm Ø x 1800 mm long. U tube

Stainless steel heat exchanger. ~300mm Ø x 1800 mm long. U tube

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