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Broadbent 1220mm diameter Basket Centrifuge

Stock no: 200281

BasketDiameter x height BasketDiameter x height: 1220 x 610 mm [convert]

Power Power: 30 kW [convert]

Working Volume Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]

Broadbent 48" x 24" deep basket bottom discharge centrifuge with Hastalloy basket .



Hermetic, type CN-4-200, CS canned (sealless) centrifugal pump. Unused.

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Dosapro Milron Roy

Dosapro Milron Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy, Type MD-093-H-25-28:DX/9-VV3-7, Twin head piston pump. Unused.more



Pall, type ERS043G3527/CM807R, 24.6 litre 316L SS pressure filter. Unused.

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Erweka 6 Pot Dissolution Tester

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Broadbent 1220mm diameter Basket Centrifuge

Broadbent 1220mm diameter Basket Centrifuge

Broadbent 48" x 24" deep basket bottom discharge centrifuge with Hastalloy basket.. more