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107 litre Buchi pilot scale reactor system
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107 litre Buchi Glasuster glass-lined reactor system with Schott glass process vessels, condensers and pipework. Installed in frame. Kilo lab.
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107 litre Buchi Glasuster glass-lined reactor body with glass dish top, agitator, mechanical seal, Loher 0.5kw, 1405 rpm motor EEx e II T1-2, T3, T4., agitator speed 0-350 rpm..WP -1/0.5 bar. -50/+200⁰C, jacket WP.-1/10.0 bar. DT -50/+200⁰C. Jacket heating surface 0.65m², volume 15litre. Unit has glass lined turbine agitator and finger baffle. Vessel Øid 400mm with 400mm tall glass section and 600mm tall base unit. System is a Buchi Type CR101-K ChemReaktor.
System has 3 off 20 litre Buchi glass flasks plus 2 Buchi 1 sq.m glass coil condensers.
Pall 316L SS pressure filter. Unused.