Stock no: 200288
Volume: 879.88 gallons [convert]
Pressure Rating: 600000 pascals [convert]
Power: 7.5 kW [convert]
4000 litre DeDietrich BE4000 Glass lined reactor with GlasLok Type MDL 100-020 C agitation system
4000 litre DeDietrich BE4000 Glass lined reactor
4000 litre DeDietrich BE4000 Glass lined reactor with GlasLok Type MDL 100-020 C agitation.. more
GAF 316L stainless steel bag filter
GAF Type RB-2ASD-M 53 litre twin chamber 316L stainless steel bag filter, 10.5 bar, 150⁰C
Used Alfa Laval approximately 8 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger
Used Alfa Laval approximately 8 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger
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