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De Dietrich BE4000 glas lined reactor

Stock no: 200326

Capacity Capacity: 879.88 gallons [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 600000 pascals [convert]

Power Power: 7.5 kW [convert]

DeDietrich BE4000 Glass lined reactor (Unused)

110 tonne per day Biodiesel Plant

110 tonne per day Biodiesel Plant

A complete biodiesel refinery consisting of 5 skid mounted refinery units capable of.. more

Comber Type PH2000 Pharmadry Hastalloy C22 vacuum paddle dryer

Comber Type PH2000 Pharmadry Hastalloy C22 vacuum paddle dryer

Comber Type PH2000 Pharmadry Hastalloy C22 vacuum paddle dryer.

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De Dietrich BE4000 glas lined reactor

De Dietrich BE4000 glas lined reactor

DeDietrich BE4000 Glass lined reactor (Unused)

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Used 10950 litre stainless steel 1.4571 reactor.

Used 10950 litre stainless steel 1.4571 reactor.

Used 10950 litre stainless steel 1.4571 reactor... more

Stainless steel heat exchanger. ~600mm Ø x 2000 mm long

Stainless steel heat exchanger. ~600mm Ø x 2000 mm long

Stainless steel heat exchanger. ~600mm Ø x 2000 mm long

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