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Pfaudler 18000 litre glass lined tank

Stock no: 200349

Capacity Capacity: 4000.14 gallons [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 230000 pascals [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 418 Degrees Farenheit [convert]

18185 litre glass lined tank. 9114 lining. 5290 kgs. 2.3/Fv bar



2,250 Litre 316grade Stainless Steel Storage Tank

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Mitchell Dryers Ltd 53 sq.m stainless steel tray drier

Mitchell Dryers Ltd 53 sq.m stainless steel tray drier

Mitchel Dryers Ltd all stainless steel steam heated tray dryer. .

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Pfaudler 18000 litre glass lined tank

Pfaudler 18000 litre glass lined tank

18185 litre glass lined tank. 9114 lining. 5290 kgs. 2.3/Fv bar

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865 litre Glassed steel reactor built by Pfaudler Germany

865 litre Glassed steel reactor built by Pfaudler Germany

865 litre Glassed steel reactor built by Pfaudler Germany

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Gardner U trough mixer in 316 stainless steel approx 3000 litre total voloume

Gardner U trough mixer in 316 stainless steel approx 3000 litre total voloume

Gardner U trough mixer in 316 stainless steel approx 3000 litre total voloume

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