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Krauss Maffei Hz 100/2 C Peeler centrifuge

Stock no: 300373

BasketDiameter x height BasketDiameter x height: 39.37 Inches [convert]

Power Power: 37 kW [convert]

Filtration area Filtration area: 21.53 Square Feet (ft2) [convert]

Kraus Maffei Model Hz 100/2 C horizontal peeler centrifuge in 316 SS

13640 litre Glass lined reactor

13640 litre Glass lined reactor

13.64 cu.m Pfaudler-Balfour RA96 Glass lined reactor. Unit reglassed

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Krauss Maffei Hz 100/2 C Peeler centrifuge

Krauss Maffei Hz 100/2 C Peeler centrifuge

Kraus Maffei Model Hz 100/2 C horizontal peeler centrifuge in 316 SS

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  Busch Vac Pump Type HO 0429 F DEC ZZEZ

Busch Vac Pump Type HO 0429 F DEC ZZEZ

  Busch Vac Pump Type HO 0429 F DEC ZZEZ

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Dresser Holmes Vacuum booster Type HV1250

Dresser Holmes Vacuum booster Type HV1250

Dresser Holmes Vacuum booster Type HV1250

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1½ inch gearpump with 1.1 kW motor.

1½ inch gearpump with 1.1 kW motor.

 1½" gearpump with 1.1 kW motor.

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