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Niro Type SD-200-R Sray dryer

Stock no: 300379

Evaporative Capacity Evaporative Capacity: 622 kgs/hr [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 145 Degrees Celsius [convert]

622 Kgs/hr Niro Spray Drying Plant

Niro Type SD-200-R Sray dryer

Niro Type SD-200-R Sray dryer

622 Kgs/hr Niro Spray Drying Plant

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Used Sandpiper-Warren RUPP Type ST40 SGV-4-SS stainless steel double diaphragm pump

Used Sandpiper-Warren RUPP Type ST40 SGV-4-SS stainless steel double diaphragm pump

Used Sandpiper-Warren RUPP Type ST40 SGV-4-SS stainless steel double diaphragm pump

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4000 litre glass lined reactor, Pfaudler Werke GmbH Schwetzingen, Type BE-4000

4000 litre glass lined reactor, Pfaudler Werke GmbH Schwetzingen, Type BE-4000

4000 litre glass lined reactor, Pfaudler Werke GmbH Schwetzingen, Type BE-4000

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Alpine Type 315 UPZ stainless steel pin mill

Alpine Type 315 UPZ stainless steel pin mill

15.0 kW, stainless steel Alpine pin mill system, type 315 UPZ.. more

3 sq.m Rosenmund pressure filter dryer with centre bottom discharge. Model type RND 3-326-84

3 sq.m Rosenmund pressure filter dryer with centre bottom discharge. Model type RND 3-326-84

Used 3 sq.m Rosenmund pressure filter dryer with centre bottom discharge. Model type RND.. more