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Niro Type SD-200-R Sray dryer

Stock no: 300379

Evaporative Capacity Evaporative Capacity: 622 kgs/hr [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 145 Degrees Celsius [convert]

622 Kgs/hr Niro Spray Drying Plant

Niro Atomiser

Niro Atomiser

Niro F35-663 rotary disc atomiser, serial # 169, belt driven,

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250 litre Guisti stainless steel jacketed mixing vessel

250 litre Guisti stainless steel jacketed mixing vessel

Guisti 250 litre 316 stainless steel jacketed mixing vessel with bottom entry high.. more

GAF 316L stainless steel bag filter

GAF 316L stainless steel bag filter

GAF Type RB-2ASD-M 53 litre twin chamber 316L stainless steel bag filter, 10.5 bar, 150⁰Cmore

Niro Type SD-200-R Sray dryer

Niro Type SD-200-R Sray dryer

622 Kgs/hr Niro Spray Drying Plant

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