Stock no: 100385
Working Volume: 175.98 gallons [convert]
Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]
Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]
800 litre vertical stainless steel mixing vessel with agitator, made by H.Pontiflex & Sons Ltd
Used 800 litre stainless steel mixing tank
800 litre vertical stainless steel mixing vessel with agitator, made by H.Pontiflex &.. more
Used Charles Thompson approx. 18. sq.m vertical stainless steel heat exchanger
Used Charles Thompson approx. 18. sq.m vertical stainless steel heat exchanger
.. more4000 litre glass lined reactor, Pfaudler Werke GmbH Schwetzingen, Type BE-4000
4000 litre glass lined reactor, Pfaudler Werke GmbH Schwetzingen, Type BE-4000
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