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Edwards Drystar DP250 high vacuum pum

Stock no: 300388

Capacity Capacity: 250 Cubic Metres/Hour (m3/hr) [convert]

Edwards Drystar DP250 high vacuum pump with 11 kW drive mounted on skid

2500 litre DeDietrich BE2500 Glass lined reactor

2500 litre DeDietrich BE2500 Glass lined reactor

2500 litre DeDietrich BE2500 Glass lined reactor with GlasLok Type MDL 80-033 C agitation.. more

Edwards Drystar DP250 high vacuum pum

Edwards Drystar DP250 high vacuum pum

Edwards Drystar DP250 high vacuum pump with 11 kW drive mounted on skid

.. more

Used 5m² Buss-SMS Type LB 0500 stainless steel wiped film evaporator

Used 5m² Buss-SMS Type LB 0500 stainless steel wiped film evaporator

Used 5m² Luwa type stainless steel wiped film evaporator.. more

Used 5m² Buss-SMS Type LB 0500 - K 78 thin film evaporator

Used 5m² Buss-SMS Type LB 0500 - K 78 thin film evaporator

Used 5m² Buss-SMS Type LB 0500 - K 78 thin film evaporator.. more