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20000 litr vertical stainless steel tank

Stock no: 300389

Capacity Capacity: 4399.38 gallons [convert]

Diameter Diameter: 9.84 Feet [convert]

Height Height: 9.84 Feet [convert]

20000 litre Vertical stainless steel tank~3m Ø x 3m on straight side

20000 litr vertical stainless steel tank

20000 litr vertical stainless steel tank

20000 litre Vertical stainless steel tank~3m Ø x 3m on straight side

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Up to 75 tonne per day Nitric Acid Concentration Plant

Up to 75 tonne per day Nitric Acid Concentration Plant

Up to 75 tonne per day Nitrice Acid Concemtration Plant by Schott Engineering GmbH.

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Alfa Laval Model I-H, 41.5 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger

Alfa Laval Model I-H, 41.5 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger

Alfa Laval Model I-H, 41.5 sq.m, 1.4462 duplex stainless steel spiral heat exchanger.

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C5/C6 Isomerisation unit

C5/C6 Isomerisation unit

C5/C6 Isomerisation unit comprising of three sections, the Dehexaniser (Dehex), Penex and Molex .. more

Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

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