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26550 litre vertical carbon steel tank.

Stock no: 200392

Capacity Capacity: 5840.18 gallons [convert]

Diameter Diameter: 102.36 Inches [convert]

Height Height: 196.85 Inches [convert]

26550 litre vertical carbon steel tank.

Broadbent 1220mm diameter Basket Centrifuge

Broadbent 1220mm diameter Basket Centrifuge

Broadbent 48" x 24" deep basket bottom discharge centrifuge with Hastalloy basket.. more

26550 litre vertical carbon steel tank.

26550 litre vertical carbon steel tank.

26550 litre vertical carbon steel tank.

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Weigand Falling Film Evaporator

Weigand Falling Film Evaporator

Weigand Falling Film Evaporator (3 effect with
Finisher) – 1972

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William Boulton Gyratory Separator

William Boulton Gyratory Separator

Used William Boulton 48 " (1220mm) diameter 2 deck stainless steel Vibro Energy Gyratory.. more

6000 litre 316L sainless steel reactor vessel with jacket and agitator

6000 litre 316L sainless steel reactor vessel with jacket and agitator

 Used 6000 litre 316 L stainless steel reactor vessel with agitator

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