Stock no: 300406
Flow rate: 10912.23 Cubic Feet/Hour (ft3/hr) [convert]
Pressure Rating: 1400000 pascals [convert]
Power: 150 kW [convert]
Mather and Platt stainless steel 8"-10" EME Axially Spli Water Injection Booster Pump.
Pfaudler BE2500 glassed steel reactor
2500 litre UNUSED Pfaudler Balfour BE2500 glass lined reactor with Cryolock CBT 4 blade.. more
Mather and Platt stainless steel 8"-10" EME Axially Spli Water Injection Booster Pump.
Mather and Platt stainless steel 8"-10" EME Axially Spli Water Injection Booster.. more
Used Firtop Filters Model A100/R15/351/MQR stainless steel filter
Used Firtop Filters Model A100/R15/351/MQR stainless steel twin basket in line filter
.. moreUsed 10950 litre stainless steel 1.4571 reactor.
Used 10950 litre stainless steel 1.4571 reactor... more
Used 34340 litre horizontal carbon steel pressure tank
Used 34.34 cu.m horizontal carbon steel pressure tank.
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