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1325 litre Buss stainless steel vacuum paddle dryer

Stock no: 200451

Capacity Capacity: 291.46 gallons [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: -100000 pascals [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 274 Degrees Farenheit [convert]

1325 litre Buss stainless steel vacuum paddle dryer

U Trough Powder Ribbon Mixer

U Trough Powder Ribbon Mixer

1600 ltre working capacity U trough powder ribbon mixer in carbon steel with 16.5 kW motor.. more

DeDietrich 1500 x 1514, 2500 litres jacketed glass liend receiver

DeDietrich 1500 x 1514, 2500 litres jacketed glass liend receiver

DeDietrich 2500 litre jacketed glass lined receiver type Ø 1500 x 1514

.. more

1325 litre Buss stainless steel vacuum paddle dryer

1325 litre Buss stainless steel vacuum paddle dryer

1325 litre Buss stainless steel vacuum paddle dryer

.. more

253 m² Johnson Progress filter press with Lenser 1200 mm x 1200 mm polypropylene membrane plates and hydraulic closure.

253 m² Johnson Progress filter press with Lenser 1200 mm x 1200 mm polypropylene membrane plates and hydraulic closure.

253 m² Johnson Progress filter press with Lenser 1200 mm x 1200 mm polypropylene membrane.. more

Used 48.459m³ 316L stainless steel vertical storage tank with 316L internal heating coil

Used 48.459m³ 316L stainless steel vertical storage tank with 316L internal heating coil

Used 48.459m³ 316L stainless steel vertical storage tank with 316L internal heating coil.. more