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Buchi Rotavapor R-144 glass evaporator

Stock no: 200482

Buchi Rotavapor R-144 glass evaporator

Edwards Drystar Type DP250 high vac pump

Edwards Drystar Type DP250 high vac pump

BOC Edwards Drystar Type DP250 high vac pump with 15kW motor.

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Unused Pfaudler 9090 litre glassed steel reactor base unit

Unused Pfaudler 9090 litre glassed steel reactor base unit

9090litre (2000Gal) Pfaudler glassed steel Base Unit

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Buchi Rotavapor R-144 glass evaporator

Buchi Rotavapor R-144 glass evaporator

Buchi Rotavapor R-144 glass evaporator

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Used 6m long pressure rated stainless steel horizontal screw conveyor.

Used 6m long pressure rated stainless steel horizontal screw conveyor.

Used 6m long pressure rated stainless steel horizontal screw conveyor... more

6000 litre 316L sainless steel reactor vessel with jacket and agitator

6000 litre 316L sainless steel reactor vessel with jacket and agitator

 Used 6000 litre 316 L stainless steel reactor vessel with agitator

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