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Edwards Drystar Model DPS 80 chemical dry running high vacuum pump system

Stock no: 200495

Capacity Capacity: 2825.17 Cubic Feet/Hour (ft3/hr) [convert]

Power Power: 6.8 kW [convert]

Edwards Drystar Model DPS 80 chemical dry running high vacuum pump system



Hermetic, type CN-50-200, SS canned (sealless) centrifugal pump. Unused.

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3.5 m² Alfa Laval 316L stainless steel spiral heat exchanger Model II-V

3.5 m² Alfa Laval 316L stainless steel spiral heat exchanger Model II-V

3.5 m² Alfa Laval 316L stainless steel spiral heat exchanger Model II-V

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Edwards Drystar Model DPS 80 chemical dry running high vacuum pump system

Edwards Drystar Model DPS 80 chemical dry running high vacuum pump system

Edwards Drystar Model DPS 80 chemical dry running high vacuum pump system

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Aeromatic S9 Fluid Bed Drier/Granulator

Aeromatic S9 Fluid Bed Drier/Granulator

Used Aeromatic S9 fluid bed drier/granulator in 316L stainless steel.

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17500 barrels per day Hydrodesulphurisation Unit for gasoline production

17500 barrels per day Hydrodesulphurisation Unit for gasoline production

17500 barrels per day Hydrodesulphurisation Unit for gasoline production... more