Stock no: 300522
Heat Transfer Area: 2.4 Square metres (m2) [convert]
Pressure Rating: 5.17 bar [convert]
Temperature: 163 Degrees Celsius [convert]
Used horizntal stainless steel shel and tube heat exchanger with approximately 2.4 sq.m heat transfer area
Rousselet Type RC63 VXDECR 316L stainless steel bottom discharge basket centrifuge.
Rousselet Type RC63 VXDECR 316L stainless steel bottom discharge basket centrifuge.
.. moreused 2.4 sq.m stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger
Used horizntal stainless steel shel and tube heat exchanger with approximately.. more
6000 litre 316L sainless steel reactor vessel with jacket and agitator
Used 6000 litre 316 L stainless steel reactor vessel with agitator
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