Mastermix 900 Litre 316L Stainless steel High Shear Turbine Mixer Vertical Mixing Vessel
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Mastermix 900 Litre 316L Stainless steel High Shear Turbine Mixer Vertical Mixing Vessel
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Mastermix High Shear Turbine Mixer without Control Panel and 316L Stainless steel Vertical 900 Litre Mixing Vessel. The Turbine Hi Shear Mixing Head can operate at speeds between 650 -1675 RPM, is capable of being manually lifted by means of 2 off side screw adjustable supports.
The Mezzanine supported Mixer operates inside an unjacketted side lagged and clad 316L S/s 900 Litre Vertical Mixing Vessel, 1000mm internal diameter x 1200mm Straight side high, which is fitted with a Domed top and bottom, and supported by 3 side mounted lugs from the surrounding Mezzanine floor structure.
The domed top is fitted with the central Mixer drive shaft, which is surrounded by 2 off 80mm diameter quick release liquid ingredient Inlets, plus a 50mm diameter coned Minor Ingredients Inlet, and a 300mm long x 150mm wide x 900mm high Major Powder Ingredients Inlet Funnel.
The Sides of the Vessel are lagged with 60 mm thick lagging overclad with S/s cladding.
The domed base of the Vessel is fitted with a central 50mm diameter Outlet, 1.6m high, fitted with a manual Butterfly valve.