1200 litre 316L stainless steel hemispherical agitated heated mixing tank
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Used 1200 Litre 316L Stainless Steel External Steam Coil Heated Stirred Fat Melting Vessel
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Used 1200 Litre 316L Stainless Steel External Steam Coil Heated Stirred Fat Melting Vessel, supported on by 3 mounted support lugs from the surrounding Mezzanine / Access Gantry. Item 1, This unjacketed external Steam coil lagged and clad 1200 Litre 316 L S/s Stirred Fat Melting Vessel, is domed top and bottom, and fitted with a central top mounted Drive, which drives the internal Gate Stirrer / Internal Scraper unit. The domed top is fitted with a front mounted Fat Block manual loading hinged, and interlocked doorway, which measures 350mm x 330mm wide. The domed bottom is fitted with a central 50mm diameter Outlet and manual Bufferfly discharge valve, plus a bottom mounted temperature probe. This 1200 litre Fat Melter vessel measures 2.2m diameter x 2.43m high, and weighs approx 4000 kgs. Item 2, The 1200 litre Fat Melter is controlled from a S/s Wall mounted Control Panel, that measures 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.6m high, and weighs approx 50 Kgs.
Hermetic, type CNK-40-200, CS canned (sealless) centrifugal pump. Unused
Hermetic, type CNF-40-160, CS canned (sealless) centrifugal pump. Unused.