Alpine Type 315 UPZ stainless steel pin mill
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15.0 kW, stainless steel Alpine pin mill system, type 315 UPZ
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15.0 kW, stainless steel Alpine pin mill system, type 315 UPZ, serial number 14755.1, rated 0,05 bar @ 60 degrees C, volume 25 ltr, pin mill total weight 400kg. LOHER belt driven by 15.0 kW, 380/660V, 29/16.7 A, 50Hz, 2955rpm motor weight 162kg. Pin mill and motor mounted on base plate.
System includes: (2) fans a 23m³/min and a 12,66m³/min with electrical motors; vertical stainless steel Alpine dust filter, type M.18 R, serial number 14755/2, rated 0,05 bar @ -10/50 degrees C, volume 3.280 ltr, total weight 500kg; (2) rotary valves; DELBAG air filter; Ktron feeder, type T 35 SPEZ; vibrating hopper, type HVE 2/2, serial number 306280; part to Alpine mill system, type TS30D/Pn/EX, serial number 1288/88
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