Stock no: 100601
Operating Volume: 800 litres [convert]
800 litre vertical stainless steel mixing vessel with agitator, made by H.Pontiflex & Sons Ltd,
Used 45,000 Litre 316 Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
Used 45,000 Litre 316 Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
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Gardner U trough mixer in 316 stainless steel approx 3000 litre total voloume
.. more800 litre vertical stainless steel jacketed mixing vessel with agitator
800 litre vertical stainless steel mixing vessel with agitator, made by H.Pontiflex.. more
6000 litre 316L sainless steel reactor vessel with jacket and agitator
Used 6000 litre 316 L stainless steel reactor vessel with agitator
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