Stock no: 100601
Operating Volume: 800 litres [convert]
800 litre vertical stainless steel mixing vessel with agitator, made by H.Pontiflex & Sons Ltd,
SAMPI Type M7 stainless steel preset batching flow meter.
SAMPI Type M7 stainless steel preset batching flow meter.
GAF 316L stainless steel bag filter
GAF Type RB-2ASD-M 53 litre twin chamber 316L stainless steel bag filter, 10.5 bar, 150⁰C
Ralph Coidan 8 sq.m graphite block heat exchanger
8 m² Ralph Coidan Type CB90 Graphite block condenser .
.. more800 litre vertical stainless steel jacketed mixing vessel with agitator
800 litre vertical stainless steel mixing vessel with agitator, made by H.Pontiflex.. more