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Premier Colloid Mill 5 inch Dispersion Mill with motor

Stock no: 100605

Diameter Diameter: 127 mm [convert]

Speed Speed: 3000 rpm [convert]

Working Volume Working Volume: 0 Units/min [convert]

 Used Premier Colloid Mill 5" Dispersion Mill with motor

Watson Marlow peristaltic pump

Watson Marlow peristaltic pump

Watson Marlow peristaltic pump Type 704U with SS duplex filter & SS stand

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5.9 cu.m 316L stainless steel reactor

5.9 cu.m 316L stainless steel reactor

5.9m³ 316 stainless steel reactor  with ½ pipe coil jacket.

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Sulzer APP55-100 Centrifugal Pump

Sulzer APP55-100 Centrifugal Pump

Sulzer APP55-100 Centrifugal Pump.

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Alpine Fine Impact mill type: Multiplex 315 UPZ

Alpine Fine Impact mill type: Multiplex 315 UPZ

Alpine Fine Impact mill type: Multiplex 315 UPZ.. more

Premier Colloid Mill 5 inch Dispersion Mill with motor

Premier Colloid Mill 5 inch Dispersion Mill with motor

 Used Premier Colloid Mill 5" Dispersion Mill with motor

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