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Used approx 25 sq.m stainless steel plate heat exchanger

Stock no: 100649

Heat Transfer Area Heat Transfer Area: 269.1 Square Feet (ft2) [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 600000 pascals [convert]

Volume Volume: 6.05 gallons [convert]

 Used approx 25 sq.m stainless steel plate heat exchanger

Dosapro Milton Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy

Dosapro Milton Roy, Type MB-140-L-40-H-18,6/SI-9-VV3-Z, single head piston pump (dosing.. more

Hosokawa Alpine

Hosokawa Alpine

Alpine UPZ 500 stainless steel universal mill. serial #75327-1, belt driven 37kW, 2950.. more

Used Alfa Laval Model 286 9.12 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger

Used Alfa Laval Model 286 9.12 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger

Used Alfa Laval Model 286 9.12 sq.m stainless steel spiral heat exchanger

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Unused 1.95 sq.m Ralph Coidan Type BD 20 Hykarb cubic block graphite heat exchanger

Unused 1.95 sq.m Ralph Coidan Type BD 20 Hykarb cubic block graphite heat exchanger

 Unused 1.95 sq.m Ralph Coidan Type BD 20 Hykarb cubic block graphite heat exchanger

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 Used approx 25 sq.m stainless steel plate heat exchanger

Used approx 25 sq.m stainless steel plate heat exchanger

 Used approx 25 sq.m stainless steel plate heat exchanger

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