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Unused 250mm diameter Bursting disc

Stock no: 100686

Diameter Diameter: 9.84 Inches [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 81000 pascals [convert]

Temperature Temperature: 187 Degrees Farenheit [convert]

Unused DN 250 tantalum bursting disc.

435 kVA Diesel Generator

435 kVA Diesel Generator

 435 kVA Puma Power Plant Type R43JN9 Diesel Generator

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Mitchell Dryers Ltd 53 sq.m stainless steel tray drier

Mitchell Dryers Ltd 53 sq.m stainless steel tray drier

Mitchel Dryers Ltd all stainless steel steam heated tray dryer. .

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Used Gardner 65 litre stainless steel double cone mixer

Used Gardner 65 litre stainless steel double cone mixer

Used Gardner Stainless steel Type 3.C.D.C double cone blender/mixer

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Unused 1.95 sq.m Ralph Coidan Type BD 20 Hykarb cubic block graphite heat exchanger

Unused 1.95 sq.m Ralph Coidan Type BD 20 Hykarb cubic block graphite heat exchanger

 Unused 1.95 sq.m Ralph Coidan Type BD 20 Hykarb cubic block graphite heat exchanger

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Unused 250mm diameter Bursting disc

Unused 250mm diameter Bursting disc

Unused DN 250 tantalum bursting disc.

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