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Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

Stock no: 300702

Capacity Capacity: 175.98 gallons [convert]

Power Power: 0.33 kW [convert]

Pressure Rating Pressure Rating: 346100 pascals [convert]

Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel



Hermetic, type CNPK-50-315, CS canned (sealless) centrifugal pump. Unused.more

Wiegand Triple Effect Falling Film Evaporator

Wiegand Triple Effect Falling Film Evaporator

3200 to 4000kgs/hr water evaporation, Wiegand triple effect, continuously operating vacuum.. more

used 2.4 sq.m stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger

used 2.4 sq.m stainless steel shell and tube heat exchanger

 Used horizntal stainless steel shel and tube heat exchanger with approximately.. more

Used Graco Husky 1509 38mm aluminium air driven diaphragm pump

Used Graco Husky 1509 38mm aluminium air driven diaphragm pump

Used Graco Husky 1509 38mm aluminium air driven diaphragm pump

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Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

Used approx 800 litre 316L stainless jacketed mixing vessel

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