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Used Skerman 1000 litre 316 Stainless Steel Vertical Process Mix Vessel
Stock No: 100524
Capacity: 1136 litres
Pressure Rating: 2.3/Fvac bar
Working Volume: 1000 Units/min
Used Skerman SK1 Stainless Steel Vertical 1000 Litre Jacketed Gelatine Hi Shear Mixing Vessel. Internal diameter 950 mm x 1700 mm straight side.
The Mezzanine mounted 1000 Litre Vertical S/s jacketted vessel has been Tested to 5 Bar pressure, and has a bolted dished top through which passes the central Hi-shear Turbine mixer with saw tooth blade, surrounded by 3 x 70mm, 1 x 50mm, 1 x 35mm, 3 x 25mm diameter Inlets, plus a 150mm diameter Inspection Window with Wiper and lamp, and a 200mm diameter hinged, clamped and interlocked Inspection door. Eiger Torrance mixer drive unit with 11 kW motor and hydraulic lift system, Model 15 HP.
The Vessel sides and domed base are jacketed and lagged with 50mm thick lagging which is S/s clad. The jacket has a Design Pressure rating of Full Vacuum to + 3.5 Bar, at 120 degrees C, Test Pressure = 6.8 Bar.
The side of the vessel is supported from the surrounding Mezzanine floor by 3 support Lugs. In the upper side of Vessel, above the Mezzaniner floor, is fitted a 450mm diameter interlocked Manhole, which is clamped shut by 6 clamps.
The domed jacketted, lagged, and S/s clad base of the Vessel is fitted with a 50mm diameter manually butterfly valved outlet, 1.32m high, plus a 250mm diameter bolted and interlocked discharge hatch, and a low level probe.
Wall Mounted S/s Control Panel, measures 800 x 400 x 1200mm high, and weighs approx 400 Kgs