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Used 48.459m³ 316L stainless steel vertical storage tank with 316L internal heating coil
Stock No: 300615
Volume: 48459 litres
Used 48.459m³ 316L stainless steel vertical storage tank with 316L internal heating coil (10 turns)and 304L stainless steel finger jacket, dished top, dished bottom. DP shell +141 mbar.g/ -65 mbar.g, internal coil +10 bar.g/ Fvac, finger jacket +10 bar.g/ Fvac at 180°C. 2876mm Ø(i.d) X 6700mm tan/tan, overall height 10600mm. Weight ~7588 kgs. Vessel supported on CS skirt. Manufactured by Ardeth Engineering Ltd 1999